"The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art" - said Leonardo da Vinci. I fully agree with him; I even think that this masterpiece made of 26 bones, 33 joints and numerous muscles is the most beautiful part of the human body. There is no concept for "ugly" feet for me, only those that need a little more attention and love. And the uglier you find it, the more beautiful it is for me!
My fascination with podology has been lasting for over 8 years. I completed studies in Podology with honors from the Dean of the University for the thesis I defended. I also gained knowledge during numerous trainings and courses. I am constantly expanding my knowledge and acquiring new professional skills.
I have over 7 years of professional experience acquired at work in the country and abroad. Specialist foot care is my passion and great love. I am called Foot Ambassador by one of my great patients, and I define myself as a propagator of the idea of conscious care and concern for the needs of the feet.
"Fish begins to stink at the head" say some, and I think that man breaks down from the feet ... Feet allow us to maintain a vertical posture, allow you to walk, run, move efficiently. Unfortunately, we often underestimate the importance of our function in our body and we take care of it. We should remember, however, that feet serve us all our lives, hence it is so important to care for them right from the moment of birth.
Please take a look at the "treatments offer" tab, where you will find all the treatments I perform along with a brief description and their price.
I look forward to meeting you soon,
I am constantly improving my qualifications and acquiring new professional skills under the guidance of the best specialists in Poland.
Cosmetic pedicure PLN 120
M pedicure PLN 180
Medical pedicure PLN 140
A diabetic foot therapy treatment PLN 140
The treatment of cracking heels PLN 100
Podological kinesiotaping PLN 40 (small application), PLN 60 (large application)
Nail plate reconstruction from 70 PLN
Inserting a Titanium clamp on the ingrown or screwing nail 150 PLN
Individual orthosis from PLN 70 (depending on size)
Removal of a single hyperkeratosis (corns, calluses) PLN 40
* each subsequent hyperkeratosis PLN 20
Removal of a verruca PLN 60
* each subsequent verruca PLN 30
Development of a diseased nail plate PLN 60 + thinning of the nail plate PLN 20
Preparation of an ingrown nail with tamponade PLN 50
Mycological examination with collection of PLN 100 material
Foot and lower leg massage 15 minutes 40 PLN / 30 minutes 80 PLN
Tamponade PLN 20
Feel free to get in touch with me. I will be happy to answer any questions about my services.